Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Woman Slept With Mother’s Dead Body For Five Years


German police have found a mummified corpse of an elderly woman being kept in the same bed her daughter was sleeping in.
The 55-year-old woman shared a bed with the body of her mother for at least five years after her death. The blood-curdling discovery was made after the 83-year-old woman had not been seen for many a long day.

Vigilant neighbours became suspicous as the woman’s daughter would not let them in. They called social workers but when they were also refused entry to the home, the police and fire service were alerted.
When police officers and firefighters entered the house – a gruesome and horrifying scene appeared. Inside they discovered the mummified corpse of the elderly woman in the same bed her 55-year-old daughter slept.
According to police, the 83-year-old died in 2009 and had been kept for so long by her daugher, now 55, that her body had become mummified where it lay in the bed.
The woman, who has not been named, has been taken away for psychiatric tests. An autopsy produced no evidence of foul play in the mother’s death.

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