Thursday 16 October 2014

House removes immunity for president and governors

                                                                                                              The House of Representatives on Wednesday in Abuja voted to effect 71 amendments to sections of the 1999 constitution.

The lawmakers also backed the adoption of referendum for state creation.
They, however, rejected the amendment of Section 9 to allow for a referendum in determining the fate of the National Conference recommendations.
Among the 261 house members who participated in the process, 252 members voted in favour of the amendments, eight voted against and one abstained.
A two-third vote (240 of the 360-members) is required to amend the constitution.
The report will be forwarded to the 36 state Houses of Assembly for their concurrence.
The 71 amendments approved by the lower house border on legislative immunity, local government autonomy, state creation, indigeneship and citizenship.
Some others are independent candidacy in elections, budgetary process, life pension for National Assembly heads and role for traditional rulers.
An alteration of Section 7 among others, stops revenue allocation from the Federation Account to local governments that are not democratically elected.
They also approved the dissolution of local government administrations at the expiration of four years commencing from the date the members of councils were sworn in.
While altering Section 59, the lawmakers also voted to bypass the president if he failed to sign a bill presented to him within 30 days.
"Within seven days, the President of the Senate shall convene a joint sitting of the National Assembly to reconsider the bill.
"And if passed by two-thirds majority of members of both Houses at such joint sitting, the Bill shall become law and the assent of the President shall not be required," the conference report reads.
In other constitution amendments, house members also approved independent candidacy in elections in Nigeria.
A new amendment makes it mandatory for the president to address a joint meeting of the National Assembly once a year.

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