Sunday 8 February 2015

20 Die, Many Injured At Football Match

At least 20 people have been killed and dozens injured at the Air Force Stadium, Cairo, Egypt, ahead of a Premier League match, Zamalek football group, Ultras White Knights (UWK)has said.
According to eye-witnesses, the violence started after fans attempted to storm the stadium without purchasing tickets.
One eye-witness said members of the UWK blocked roads outside the stadium before the match started, carrying long sticks and metal poles. Another witness said dozens of fans scale the fences of the stadium and fences of the nearby Air Forces club and hotel.
Egypt’s Minsitry of Interior said that many members of the UWK had attempted to destroy property and had started attacking police officers stationed at the stadium.
In response to the violence outside, Ahram quoted Zamalek’s board member, Ahmed Mansour, who said ‘no thugs’ would be allowed to enter.
“You do not understand anything. You are not allowed to get in by force. No one will be allowed to attend
the match without tickets. Football is only for respectable fans. No thugs are allowed here,” said Mansour.’’
However, UWK said that police used excessive force to stop fans from entering the stadium. In one post, the UWK shared a photograph of the metal bars that fans must pass through, saying it was a disgrace and insulting responsible authorities.
One football fan said police opened fire after fans without tickets attempted to storm the stadium. However, it is not yet clear whether live ammunition was used.

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