Tuesday 10 February 2015

HORROR: ISIS Behead Man for Witchcraft

Militants fighting for the Islamic State in Syria have publicly beheaded a man for allegedly practicing witchcraft - the latest in a long line of barbaric executions carried out by the terror group.
The unknown man was photographed being killed by a masked executioner in a village just outside ISIS' stronghold and de facto capital Raqqa while a large crowd looked on. Precise details of the victim's so-called crime are not known, but the charge of witchcraft and 'invoking magic', and the use
of an axe and wooden chopping block to carry out the beheading do little to counter claims that ISIS are little more than murderers with a Dark Age view of the world.Photographs of the execution and the crowds who watched it were released by ISIS-affiliated media, and were reported by Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently - an anti-ISIS activist group based in the city who document the terror group's barbarism in its de facto capital

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