Saturday 19 September 2015


An open letter from Nwaze Winston Francis to Afikpo chick
Beloved Hon. Maria Ude Nwachi (AKA Afikpo Chick ), some ladies go start stealing to wear/use your kind of quality material (Cars, Hairs, Jewelries, clothing etc., I for talk against you but make I hold myself because I heard you help your people so much but please do more on teaching them that
the road to your success is not so juicy, Teach them that they need patience, Teach them how long it took you to get to where you are now, Teach them that they need to be focused, Make them understand that its not through shortcut that success comes, Teach them that hardworking is a
necessity, Teach them to be committed to their dreams, Teach them how to believe in them-self,
Teach them what it takes to be great. Make them understand how young they are and how bright their future is only if they follow the right track.
My Honorable, Representing Afikpo North-East Constituency at the state house of Assembly
Our Madam The Mother of all Afikpo Ladies
BCEL- Best Chick Ever Liveth The only Lady who is called where Men are called. You are a role model to our young ladies, its possible you are doing other things but may have forgotten this responsibility. I simply ask that you look into this direction through which you will be able to raise more ladies of your kind.
I cherish your person,
I love your courage,
You stand out when others are standing.
Keep on doing the good work.
God bless you.
Nwaze Winston Francis

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