Wednesday 2 September 2015

Seven ''Rs'' For A Successful Marriage

For you to have a successful marriage follow this seven ''Rs'' for a successful marriage

Relationship- Relationship means togetherness. Learn to relate with your spouse one on one, be open to him or her.
Respect - Learn to respect your spouse because whatever you call this man or woman is what he or she will end up to become.

Reason together - it means the capacity for logical, rational thought, both of you should be able to reason together. Never you blame your wife or husband for any situation. No matter the situation both of you should reason it together
Romance - Be Romantic as husband or wife. It is impossible to run a successful home without being romantic. Prepare for it.
Rule -  The home is an institution, and there must be a head, so wife allow your husband to rule in your home. Don't go behind your spouse to do something different
Resist -You must be ready to resist forces together as they come. Mal 2v16
Realize - You must keep the alter burning in your home, buy books, tapes on marriage. 1cor 9v24

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