Tuesday 8 March 2016

Four Things That May Happen To You If You 'Break Up' With Social Media

Social media is now part of our daily lives. A day without checking Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram is incomplete. However, this addiction has resulted in some disconnection with the real world. Many now rely heavily on virtual reality for everything. They sleep, eat and drink social media, some
people even make money through social media.But wait a second, have you thought of what will happen if you break up with social media? There are quite a handful of people that have closed their Twitter and Facebook accounts and survived the heartache. Jovago.com, Africa's No 1 hotel booking
portal shares 5 rewarding things that may happen when you sever your ties with social media.

  • More productivity
There is high possibility that while working, employees will want to check their social media profile or update it meanwhile, they have loads of jobs piled up which they have left unattended to. This is perhaps the reason why many businesses do not allow their employees to use social media during work hours. If you break up with social media you will concentrate fully on your job without any distraction. 
  • Better relationship with families and friends
Families and friends interactions are now restricted to social media. Although the culture of visiting loved ones runs deep among Nigerians, social media has largely suspended the trend. With this out of the way, you will have a more endearing and enduring relationship with families and friends.
  • No more rumour peddling
One thing that is held against social media is the peddling of false news. Unfortunately, false rumours travel like bushfires. The damage would have been done before you know that it is a farce. That is why everyone should be conscious of what they consume on social media. No social media, no reading of false news. That is probably why the Nigerian National Assembly wants to introduce a bill to curtail the excesses of social media 
  • You will be innovative
Being innovative will not be possible if you are always distracted by social media since you can only learn so much there. But with you off the internet, your brain will not shut down to real life issues. You will have a well-rounded understanding of your environment, thus, over time, you will become innovative and ideas will keep flowing non-stop like the ocean wave.

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