Wednesday 29 June 2016

Five Ways To Prevent Constipation While Travelling

What is Constipation: Constipation is a condition in which there is difficulty in emptying the bowels, usually associated with hardened feces.Constipation may be easy to live with if you plan on spending
the day at home, however, imagine the discomfort you’d feel when travelling on a long distance journey from Lagos to Kaduna with a driver who may not be magnanimous enough to stop every
time you want to ease yourself.  Hence, it is advisable to check constipation rather than experience it. In line with this, Jumia Travel, Africa’s No.1 hotel booking portal shares five tips on how to prevent constipation while travelling.

  • Be careful what you put in your stomach
You can open the gate to constipation depending on the kind of food you eat which is why you should be conscious of what you put in your mouth. Healthy eating is very important for persons who are regular travellers as they pick up germs while on the road quickly. To ensure you stay hale and hearty, some of the bacteria prone foods to avoid are dairy products, red meat, chips, cookies, bananas, and fried meals.
  • Don’t sit for long stretches
During a long distance journey, make sure you take advantage of any stop by taking a walk, and drinking water. Sitting for long periods with no movement can stress your bowels and impress the need to use the toilet.
  • Find a routine
If you are used to a particular routine at home, there is a high tendency to breaking from that routine because you are travelling. But, this break can result in constipation due the fact that your body wants you to maintain its rhythm. So, if you eat breakfast at 8 am when you are at home, you should do the same when travelling.
  • Drink up
Be sure to take enough water when travelling especially when the weather is hot or dried. Notwithstanding, you should not drink so much water that it will make you pester the driver with demands of relieving yourself bladder.  So drink at least 8 cups of water to stay hydrated but don’t over do it.
  • Use laxatives
If you are susceptible to constipation, you can use laxatives. Laxatives contain chemicals that temporarily relieve you from constipation. A combination of laxatives and healthy diet replete with fresh fruits, vegetables, and regular exercise can help stall constipation.

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