Tuesday 5 July 2016

Five Types Of People You Will Meet In A Nigerian Budget Hotel

The number of budget hotel across Nigeria surely surpass the number of 4-star or luxury hotels available as a majority of travelers prefer its packages, considering it is less expensive and more
rewarding. From motels to inns and hostels, these low-priced hotels offer services which may not be plush, but meets the needs of the travellers that seek them out.If you are acquainted with budget
hotels in Nigeria, you probably already know that it is a world that embodies both the best quality of people and the most annoying. While every budget hotel is unique, the crowd passing through tends to be more or less the same. Jumia Travel scratches the surface by revealing 5 of the types of people you will meet in a Nigerian budget hotel.

  • Foreigners from neighboring countries
Some of the kinds of people you meet in Nigerian budget hotels are foreigners usually from neighboring cities like Douala, Togo, Cotonou, e.t.c. These people are usually traders too who are looking for the best possible place to lay their head without breaking bank. It is rare to see foreigners from other continents, but sometimes, you find the Indians and chinese.
  • The mysterious loner
This guest is a solo traveller who is not interested in socializing or making friends with anyone else. They are shrouded in mystery, you never see them arrive and you never see them leave. They only communicate with the hotel staff and the few time you run into them, they are either stepping out of the hotel or reading a book at the restaurant or lobby. They keep to themselves, mainly observing.
  • The annoying family
This is very common in budget hotels. A family with kids of various ages, including a baby whose cries you will eventually wake you up at 5 in the morning. The family usually may be in town to attend a wedding or an event and most times they do everything together. They are friendly and even a bit meddling and will not hesitate to knock on a neighbor’s door to ask for little things that they may need but do not want to buy, like extra towel e.t.c
  • The guy who knows all the staff…and everything really
This guest knows all the staff members by their first name and even shares inside jokes with them. He is in the inner circle at the hostel. He will accost other guests to ask them what they think of the hotel, direct you to the bathroom e.t.c. Basically, he has visited the hotel so frequently or has been lodged there for almost 3 months that you start to mistake him for being a staff of the hotel
  • The young “happy couple”
This couple are young and probably on their honeymoon. It is also probably the first time they are travelling and they just cannot hide their excitement. This couple has little consideration for any dramatically lonely solo travelers in the vicinity, as they do not hide their affection or fail to showcase their bonding activities publicly.

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