Tuesday 5 July 2016

Five Ways To Maximize The Public Holidays In Nigeria

Public holidays are a great time for most Nigerians as they have the time to do certain things which they may have been putting off, either due to the stress of their job or otherwise. With this long

holidays on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 5th, 6th and 7th of July,Jumia Travel,Africa’s largest hotel booking portal presents 5 ways to maximize public holidays in Nigeria.

  • Spend time with family
Family is the most important aspect of our lives and most times, in the hustle for money and pursuit of career we tend to neglect it. Public holidays offer a great time to spend with family and rekindle the bond that you share. Visit the grandma that you have not seen in years and take your parents out for dinner.
  • Stock up on groceries
Most times you are too busy to visit the grocery shop to buy essential items, and you find yourself forfeiting things like Dettol or toothpaste or even improvising when you do not have to. You also do not have the time get fresh food supplies so you end up eating junk which you buy from the roadside. Take this public holiday to stock up your pantry and buy all the groceries you need to last you for the next quarter.
  • Catch up on shows
If you are the type who enjoys watching movies but have been unable to see the latest in box office movies or follow the shows you enjoy, then you now have the perfect time to do it. Buy a bag of popcorn, cans of soda and make your sofa comfy for the TV marathon. You will have a marvelous time catching up.
  • Party with friends
Any holiday period should have party time included in it. Take the time to do the housewarming party you have been putting off or just a get together with friends. If you are not up for hosting, accept invitations from family and friends and ensure you attend with your dancing shoes. You can also go clubbing solo and who knows, you might make new friends to party with.
  • Do thorough cleaning
With the holidays, you finally have the time to re-organize your apartment and clean out all the areas you have been neglecting. Reshuffle your wardrobe and ensure you pick out old clothes and shoes you no longer wear and donate to charity.

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