Wednesday 31 August 2016

Best Tips For The Perfect Wedding Hashtag

Photo snapping and sharing on social media is a huge part of weddings in Nigeria today. If you are getting married anytime soon, there is a high chance you are already brainstorming your wedding
hashtag.Indeed, creating a unique and personal phrase that guests will use on Instagram and Twitter to round up pictures of the big day, has become a normal part of wedding planning for modern
Nigerian brides, but coming up with a unique and catchy hashtag can be tricky.Getting married and tired of cracking your head trying to find the perfect phrase? Jumia Travel, Africa’s No.1 online hotel booking portal gives the scoop on how to create a successful wedding hashtag.

  • Be specific
When creating your wedding hashtag, it is important that you make it specific so that people who want to use it know what exactly it is about. Stick to one hashtag rather than numerous tags. You may want to come up with a unique and personal phrase. A good start would be your names (the bride and groom), but remember to keep it simple and classic by maybe only putting your two names side by side. Example: #NgoziAndChudi
  • Ensure it is unique
These days it is difficult to find a wedding hashtag that has not been used before. The moment you coin your hashtag, test search for it on Google to see if others are using it. Ensure you double check before informing your guests or printing it on signs to place around the reception venue. If your hashtag has already been used, consider adding the location of your wedding to further customize your tag. Examples: #KCAndNnekaInAbuja
  • Make it easy to remember
You really do not want your guests and friends to get the hashtag wrong, so it is important you make it easy to remember. This means using short and simple phrases or words that most people can easily relate with. Also, stay away from words that are tricky to spell as that will create opportunities for your guests to misspell something, leave out a letter, or confuse the order. Basically, make it really catchy and easy to remember that way you do not miss a snap.
  • Make it appealing to use
Do not be afraid to have fun with your hashtags. You can add to its appealing factor by making it funny or a little bit bizarre. You can even get creative and turn it into a pun. Think about phrases that have words that rhyme with your names, or brainstorm synonyms to use

1 comment:

stevenjared0853 said...

Truly amazing tips for wedding hashtag. I am arranging my niece’s wedding reception and searching for excellent venues in San Francisco. Planning to hire a photo booth from a reputed wedding rental service to arrange a grand reception for her.