Thursday 5 January 2017

Four Ways To Handle Children While Visiting Public Places In Nigeria

Children are the cutest, especially when they are below the age of 6. However, they are also unpredictable, noisy, messy and are prone to flying into a rage at the slightest thing.  While the
easiest thing to do would be to keep them inside your house at all times to avoid the stress and embarrassment they can cause you outside, staying indoors all the time could get them super cranky as well.No doubt these tots are hard to handle, however, there are particular occasions that require that you definitely take them out in public.  For those who are anxious about those times, Jumia Travel shares five helpful tips for taking little children out in public.
                                                   Give them a warning before you set out
Children can be utterly defiant, but they do have a sense of direction and can follow instructions once they are clearly informed. Before you set out to the grocery shop, mall or church, sit the children down and tell them what behaviors you expect from them, letting them know what the consequences of disobedience would be. It does not hurt to exaggerate as children are very impressionable and tend to believe almost everything.
                                                        Adopt a reward system
The only thing children love more than tasty treats and attention are rewards. To them, rewards are a form of recognition and so they are willing to comply to earn one. Rather than shout on then or even spank them, offer them a reward for good behavior and keep to your words. They will always comply thereafter. For instance, you could have a sticker book for good behaviors and you could say to the children: if you behave nicely and eat properly when we get to the restaurants, I will give you an extra sticker. Toddles for some reason love sticker…well, as long as they are sure a number of stickers will eventually earn them something.
                                                Do not forget the diaper
Children may not be babies anymore, but they use the toilet a lot. They always want to take a pee or even do a number 2. Public toilets are not the best for children as they are not only exposed to strong germs, they also can be difficult to control in the loo. It is advisable to garb them in diapers when going to a public place. Also pack extra diapers in a bag as well as extra clothing…you just never can tell how many times they will go.
                                              Give a measure of freedom
Children can get really rebellious, especially when they feel they are being constricted. It is important to give them a measure of freedom rather than have them on a tight leash. This gives them the idea that they are having fun and they are less cranky or less prone to tantrums that way. This does not mean you should not be firm. Just find a way to create a measure of balance, that way they remain manageable. Carefully packed distractions come in handy as well.

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