People lie for different reasons and it hurts more when someone you love and trust lies to you. Jumia
Travel, the leading online travel agency, shares 8 ways to help you deal with lies and temper its effect on your emotions and perceptions.
If the person doesn’t admit the lie after being caught with evidence, then there is a deeper problem – you are more likely dealing with a compulsive or pathological liar. You should tread carefully and wisely at this point because they are unlikely to admit the truth no matter how aggressive you get.
Travel, the leading online travel agency, shares 8 ways to help you deal with lies and temper its effect on your emotions and perceptions.
- Recognize That You Are Being Lied To
- Look for Patterns In The Person’s Lies
- Determine if the Person’s Lies Are Harmful
- Decide Whether or Not to Confront the Liar
- Document the Lies
- Talk to the Person Privately
If the person doesn’t admit the lie after being caught with evidence, then there is a deeper problem – you are more likely dealing with a compulsive or pathological liar. You should tread carefully and wisely at this point because they are unlikely to admit the truth no matter how aggressive you get.
- Prepare for Resulting Trust Issues
- Protect Yourself
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