Tuesday 16 May 2017

8 Signs You Are Too Dependent On Tech To Manage Your Business

There was a massive ransomware (which is not over yet) attack that affected over 99 countries and more than 200,000 computers last week. So many services and businesses were disrupted. Presently,
according to reports, $57,282.23 in ransom had been paid to the hackers to allow people and businesses access their computers. A ransomware named WannaCry has been blamed for the unprecedented disruption. This simply shows how heavily reliant we are on technology.  In line with this, Jumia Travel, the leading online travel agency discusses this and other signs that you are relying too much on tech to run your business.
  • Everybody is on break because the internet is down
Whenever the Internet is poor or down, it automatically means that your employees are grounded. They cannot do anything. This is not good. Your workers should know that they can still get jobs done even if the internet is down.
  • You automate all your responses
Your customers think that they are chatting or interacting with a human but unknown to them, the messages are automated. Quite a number of companies automate emails and social media replies. If you lose the human interaction with your customers, you are depending heavily on tech.
  • You do not talk to people about your business
You do not forget offline marketing because you have nailed online. It does not work that way. There are so many people who may need your service that is offline. So, no matter the number of sponsored ads online, still talk to people about what you do.
  • You are messaging a colleague sitting beside you
Instead of talking with your colleague who is sitting beside you, you messaged him on Skype or Whatsapp. This uncalled for. 
  • When you misapply it
If you use technology to connect with and service customers faster, then you won't have any problem. However, if it is to replace connecting with and servicing customers, you are seriously misapplying it.
  • You lose your clients
Transferring your business online simply means you are embracing modern day trends. However, this should not be an excuse for you to remove the human touch out of the day to day operations of your startup. You will need to educate your customers on the new way to do business with you, especially if it’s an older customer. If not refuse to do this, you will lose your clients and loyal customers who are not tech savvy.
  • You lose all files when their a hack
There is nothing wrong with keeping your files and all your businesses online. But you should know that you don't have to depend 100% on it. This is because hackers are desperately working to bypass even the strongest security in order to hack websites. So, if you know you will lose all your files when there is a hack, it may be time to rethink how you run your business.
  • You don't know anything about the business
There are entrepreneurs who deplore technology to the extent that they do not know how it works. They do not even take time out to apprise or familiarise themselves with how technology impacts their business

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