Monday 12 June 2017

5 Ways To Defeat Procrastination

Procrastination is the action or habit of delaying or postponing something. We are all guilty of this. Quite a number of things may result in the reluctance to perform a task. One of which is a lack of
motivation. Regardless, you should know that whether you postpone it or not, no one will do your job for you. This is a reason why you should not procrastinate. But if you are among those who are chronic procrastinators, Jumia Travel, the leading online travel agency shares ways you can defeat procrastination.
  • Do one thing at a time
Large tasks usually appear inundating. You should break down the task into smaller and more manageable pieces. Doing this will make it easier for you to start and conclude your responsibilities.
  • It does not have to be perfect
You should know that nothing is perfect. With this at the back of your mind, you should simply focus on giving your best and when you are sure you have done so, you can send it to your boss or manager. However, if you wait for it to be perfect, you may never want to do it because your mind will be focused on it being 100%.
  • Improve confidence and self-belief
You should get rid of your fear about starting a task by being confident that you can do it and you will definitely get the desired result. If the opposite is the case, you will never start because you lack self-belief.
  • Deadlines
It does not matter if your job requires you to submit your assignment at the deadline. The deadline you set for yourself will inspire you to start. Do not forget to reward yourself when you are done.
  • Do the difficult and important tasks first
You should always start with the difficult and important jobs first. The harder the tasks are, the more energy and concentration you invest in completing them. You do not want to start them when you are tired. It is, therefore, better to do the hardest and most important tasks first.

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